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If you have any questions please fill out the form or send an e-mail to

+46 709685214

Terms & Conditions

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Terms & Conditions

General terms and conditions: Our terms and conditions apply to the Furme online shop and you as a user. These terms and conditions apply to your registration as a user of the Fume web shop and on all orders of our products.

Prices: All prices include VAT (25 %). Furme reserve the right to adjust prices if any changes in VAT.

Payment terms: We accept credit card as payment such as VISA, MasterCard and American Express. These card payments are handled by our partner Stripe to ensure quick and secure payment. When we have received your order an order confirmation will be sent to your registered e-mail address.

Legislation: Furme apply Swedish law and disputes will be resolve there under.  Furme AB is a Swedish limited company with corporate identification number.